Recruitment - UWS Doctoral School

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Doctoral School University of Siedlce: field of social sciences, the discipline of educational sciences

Organizational unit UPH Doctoral School
Area/discipline UPH Doctoral School: social sciences, educational sciences
Form of studies Full-time
Level of education UWS Doctoral School
Required document
  • specified in the recruitment rules
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There is currently no active phase.

Past phases in this registration:
  • Phase 1 (07.08.2024 00:00 – 06.09.2024 14:00)

Pedagogy is a scientific discipline in the field of social sciences. It is an interdisciplinary field of science, the aim of which is to study educational and upbringing processes. He deals with the development and changes in the mechanisms of upbringing and education in all their aspects, throughout a person's life – from childhood to adulthood. It focuses on the development of the individual in the context of education, taking into account biological, social, psychological and cultural factors. Pedagogy specializes in many aspects of human life, related not only to upbringing or teaching. It also conducts activities aimed at improving or inhibiting the features of social pathology, including psychopathy and sociopathy by organizing preventive activities (psychoprophylaxis). The main areas of interest in pedagogy are:

-    The theory of upbringing (moral, social, physical, aesthetic) is concerned with shaping pupils' attitudes and personality traits and creating conditions for self-education. It plays a subordinate role in relation to pedagogical practice, solving the problems of parents, tutors and teachers. The task of the theory of upbringing is: formulating the goals of upbringing; designing upbringing activities; analysis of psychosocial factors.

-   Didactics (general and detailed), in other words the theory of education, deals with the processes of teaching and learning, all subjects at subsequent levels of these processes, from kindergarten to higher education, as well as taking place outside educational institutions, during ordinary activities. The basic research interest of didactics is tracking the behavior of people involved in both the teaching and learning process on an ongoing basis. In this way, he collects goals and methods of education to subject them to scientific analysis. He also studies the organization of education and the means used for this purpose. In addition, this study draws attention to the material and social situation of the researched groups.

-  Special pedagogy is interested of people who require support and help in overcoming various difficulties that hinder their development and social functioning. It deals with people of all ages, trying to respond to their special needs: developmental in infancy, educational and upbringing in pre-school, school and adolescence, as well as socialization and professional in adulthood. The basic task of special pedagogy is to create theoretical and methodical foundations for revalidation processes (i.e. improvement, compensation and pedagogical correction in the didactic and educational process) and social rehabilitation. In addition to people with disabilities, special pedagogy also deals with people who are extremely gifted. The main sections of special education are: a) revalidation and rehabilitation pedagogy, e.g. oligophrenopedagogy (pedagogy of people with intellectual disabilities), surdopedagogy (teaching and upbringing of deaf and hearing impaired people, as well as their families and environment, also includes prevention, diagnostics and counseling for people from the risk group), typhlopedagogy (dealing with upbringing, education, therapy and rehabilitation of blind and visually impaired people in educational institutions including integration and specialist counseling centers), b) therapeutic pedagogy or otherwise therapeutic pedagogy deals with chronically ill and physically disabled people staying in medica facilities and integration institutions for children and youth, as well as in specialized rehabilitation and palliative care centers, c) pedagogy of gifted and talented is the science and art of a special type of upbringing, which is aimed at the harmonious and comprehensive implementation of the pupil's creative potential, strives to create such conditions for the individual in which he/she will be able to develop their talents and personality, d) corrective pedagogy deals with recognizing and satisfying specific and non-specific difficulties in the development and learning of children and pupils in kindergartens, schools and institutions, e) resocialization pedagogy deals with the process of modifying the personality of a social individual in order to adapt it to life in a given community, and in a narrower sense – in society; it consists in the fact that, through appropriate procedures, social norms and values are shaped in this individual, which he was not able to assimilate earlier during socialization; the aim of resocialization is at the same time to make it resign from the so far acquired rules of operation that are in contradiction with the axionormative system of this community.

-    Andragogy deals with the processes of education, upbringing, self-education and self-upbringing of adults. He studies, describes and analyzes the goals, content, systems, forms and methods of these processes as well as their social, economic, cultural, civilizational and biological conditions. It answers the question of what an adult can be, what level of development and fitness he can achieve, if optimal conditions for education are created for him and he undertakes self-creation. It makes it possible to understand the process of transforming an individual's potential into a real ability to function efficiently in all social roles.

-   Pedeutology deals with issues related to the teacher (a term meaning profession, mission or vocation). The main directions of pedeutological research are: the personality of the teacher, his abilities and authority, predispositions of candidates for the profession and teacher education, ethics of the teaching profession, the formation of the teaching profession and the social function of teachers.

-  Comparative pedagogy deals with the analysis of the educational systems of different countries in connection with their social and economic development, comparing and evaluating the effects of using different educational systems in different countries and different epochs. It is based on the history of education, on science in the field of organization and management of education, statistics and economics

-  Social pedagogy deals with the issues of environmental conditions of upbringing processes. Its subject of research is the theory, methodology and practice of human education in all periods of life and the processes of change in its social environment. It focuses on the problems of interdependence of the changing environment (e.g. social progress, dissemination of information technology, crisis situations) and members of the community - children and youth at school age and adults participating in lifelong education.

-   Pedagogy of vocational education, or pedagogy of work, deals with human work, its various determinants and educational influence on the individual, the importance of productive work in general education, adapting the workplace to the person, adapting the employee to his work conditions, etc. It is inextricably linked with social movements , especially with the issues of the relationship between person and work.

1. To be admitted to the School a candidate:

1) must hold a master's degree, a master's degree in engineering or equivalent (in exceptional cases, justified by the highest quality of scientific achievements, a person who is a graduate of first-cycle studies or a student who has completed the third year of long-cycle studies may be admitted to the School) and

2) must meet the conditions for admission set by the University of Siedlce.

2. A person can only be a doctoral student at one doctoral school at the same time

3. Recruitment for the School is based on competition.

4. The competition procedure is initiated on the day of receipt by the School of the application for admission to the School in writing (hereinafter referred to as application), printed on the form from IRK. Electronic registration does not constitute an act of initiating the competition procedure, therefore, in the case of registering in IRK and not submitting an application for admission to the School in paper form – the Committee does not take any procedural action.

5. The competition procedure is a two-stage procedure:

a)  The first stage of the competition procedure includes the assessment of documents submitted by candidates, during which the Committee checks the correctness of the data entered into the IRK system and determines the fulfilment of formal requirements, compliance of qualifications with the selected discipline, assessment of completion of Master's or equivalent studies and the possibility of implementing the intended research issues in the discipline indicated by the candidate. On this basis, the Committee draws up a list of candidates admitted to the further competition procedure (interview)

b)  In the second stage, the Committee conducts an interview with candidates who have successfully passed the first stage of the procedure. A foreign language examination shall be conducted by an academic teacher. (A foreign language examination may be considered passed on the basis of a diploma in foreign philology or a certificate confirming the knowledge of a foreign language at the B2 level at least. The decision allowing a candidate to pass an examination on the basis of a  diploma or certificate shall be taken by the Committee)

6.   During the competition procedure, the candidate may obtain a maximum of 100 points, including.

7.   At the end of the competition procedure, a ranking list of candidates in each discipline is created, based on the sum of points earned, starting with the largest number.

8.   The basis for drawing up the ranking list shall be the sum of the points obtained during the competition procedure.

9.   In the case of candidates who have earned the same number of points in the competition procedure, the place on the ranking list shall be determined on the basis of the points obtained from the interview. If the same number of interview points is earned, the ranking is determined by the points earned for academic achievements and then by the points earned for the foreign language exam or from the assessment of a diploma in foreign philology.

10.  Those candidates who receive the highest number of points from the competition procedure in a given scientific discipline are admitted to the School, within the admission limit set by the Rector.


1.   Certificate confirming the knowledge of a foreign language issued by the National School of Public Administration as a result of a linguistic verification procedure.

2.   Certificates attesting at least B2 level of global language proficiency by „Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: learning, teaching, assessment (CEFR)”:

1)   certificates issued by institutions associated in Association of Language Testers in Europe (ALTE) - ALTE Level 3 (B2), ALTE Level 4 (C1), ALTE Level 5 (C2), in particular:

a)   First Certificate in English (FCE), Certificate in Advanced English (CAE), Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE), Business English Certificate (BEC) Vantage - at least Pass, Business English Certificate (BEC) Higher, Certificate in English for International Business and Trade (CEIBT),

b)   Diplôme d'Étude en Langue Française (DELF) (B2), Diplôme Approfondi de Langue Franęaise (DALF) (C1), Diplôme Approfondi de Langue Française (DALF) (C2); Test de Connaissance du Français (TCF), poziomy 4 (B2), 5 (C1), 6 (C2); Diplôme de Langue Française (DL) (B2), Diplôme Supérieur Langue et Culture Françaises (DSLCF), Diplôme Supérieur d'Etudes Françaises Modernes (DS) (C1), Diplôme de Hautes Études Françaises (DHEF) (C2),

c)   Test Deutsch als Fremdsprache (TestDaF); Zertifikat Deutsch fur den Beruf (ZDfB) (B2), Goethe-Zertifikat B2, Zentrale Mittelstufenprüfung (ZMP) (C1), Goethe-Zertifikat C1 (Zentrale Mittelstufenprüfung) (ZMP), Zentrale Oberstufenprüfung (ZOP) (C2), Goethe-Zertifikat C2 (Zentrale Oberstufenprüfung) (ZOP), Kleines Deutsches Sprachdiplom (KDS) (C2), Grosses Deutsches Sprachdiplom (GDS) (C2),

d)   Certificato di Conoscenza della Lingua Italiana CELI 3 (B2), Certificato di Conoscenza della Lingua Italiana CELI 4 (C1), Certificato di Conoscenza della Lingua Italiana CELI 5 (C2); Certificato Italiano Commerciale CIC A (C1),

e)   Los Diplomas de Español como Lengua Extranjera (DELE): El Diploma de Espanol Nivel B2 (Intermedio), El Diploma de Español Nivel C2 (Superior),

f)    Diploma Intermédio de Português Língua Estrangeira (DIPLE) (B2), Diploma Avançado de Português Língua Estrangeira (DAPLE) (C1), Diploma Universitário de Português Língua Estrangeira (DUPLE) (C2),

g)   Nederlands als Vreemde Taal/Dutch as a Foreign Language (CNaVT) - Profiel Professionele Taalvaardigheid (PPT) (B2)/Profile Professional Language Proficiency (PPT) (B2), Profiel Taalvaardigheid Hoger Onderwijs (PTHO) (B2)/Profile Language Proficiency Higher Education (PTHO) (B2), Profiel Academische Taalvaar- digheid (PAT) (C1)/Profile Academic Language Proficiency (PAT) (C1); Nederlands als Tweede Taal II (NT2-II) (B2)/Dutch as a Second Language II (NT2-II) (B2),

h)   Prøve i Dansk 3 (B2), Studieprøven (C1),

i)    Certificate of Slovene on the Intermediate Level (B2), Certificate of Slovene on the Advanced Level (C1);

2)   Certificates of the following institutions:

a)   Educational Testing Service (ETS) - in particular certificates: Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) - at least 87 points in version Internet-Based Test (iBT); Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) - at least 180 points in version Computer-Based Test (CBT) completed with at least 50 points from Test of Spoken English (TSE); Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) - at least 510 points in version Paper-Based Test (PBT) completed with at least 3,5 points from Test of Written English (TWE) and at least 50 points from Test of Spoken English (TSE); Test of English for International Communication (TOEIC) - at least j 700 pkt; Test de Franęais International (TFI) - at least 605 pkt,

b)   European Consortium for the Certificate of Attainment in Modern Languages (ECL),

c)   City & Guilds, City & Guilds Pitman Qualifications, Pitman Qualifications Institute - in particular certificates: English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) - First Class Pass at Intermediate Level, Higher Inter- mediate Level, Advanced Level; International English for Speakers of Other Languages (IESOL) - level „Communicator”, level „Expert”, level „Mastery”; City & Guilds Level 1 Certificate in ESOL International (reading, writing and listening) Communicator (B2) 500/1765/2; City & Guilds Level 2 Certificate in ESOL International (reading, writing and listening) Expert (C1) 500/1766/4; City & Guilds Level 3 Certificate in ESOL International (reading, writing and listening) Mastery (C2) 500/1767/6; Spoken English Test (SET) for Business - Stage B poziom „Communicator”, Stage C poziom „Expert”, Stage C poziom „Mastery”; English for Business Communications (EBC) - Level 2, Level 3; English for Office Skills (EOS) - Level 2,

d)   Edexcel, Pearson Language Tests, Pearson Language Assessments - in particular certificates: London Tests of English, Level 3 (Edexcel Level 1 Certificate in ESOL International); London Tests of English, Level 4 (Edexcel Level 2 Certificate in ESOL International); London Tests of English, Level 5 (Edexcel Level 3 Certificate in ESOL International),

e)   Education Development International (EDI), London Chamber of Commerce and Industry Examinations Board - in particular certificates: London Chamber of Commerce and Industry Examinations (LCCI) - English for Business Level 2, English for Business Level 3, English for Business Level 4; London Chamber of Commerce and Industry Examinations (LCCI) - Foundation Certificate for Teachers of Business English (FTBE); London Chamber of Commerce and Industry Examinations (LCCI) - English for Tourism Level 2 - poziom „Pass with Credit”, poziom „Pass with Distinction”,

f)    University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations, British Council, IDP IELTS Australia - in particular certificates: International English Language Testing System IELTS - powyżej 6 pkt,

g)   Chambre de commerce et d’industrie de Paris (CCIP) - in particular certificates: Diplome de Franęais des Af- faires 1er degré (DFA 1) (B2), Diplôme de Français Professionnel (DFP) Affaires B2, Diplôme de Français des Daffaires 2ème degré (DFA 2) (C1), Diplôme de Français Professionnel (DFP) Affaires C1,

h)   Goethe-Institut, Deutscher Industrie- und Handelskammertag (DIHK), Carl Duisberg Centren (CDC) - in particular certificates: Prüfung Wirtschaftsdeutsch International (PWD) (C1),

i)    Kultusministerkonferenz (KMK) - in particular certificates: Deutsches Sprachdiplom II der Kultusminister- konferenz der Lander - KMK (B2/C1),

j)    Ősterreich Institut, Prufungszentren des Ősterreichischen Sprachdiploms für Deutsch (ŐSD) - w szczególności certyfikaty: Ősterreichisches Sprachdiplom für Deutsch als Fremdsprache (ŐSD) - B2 Mittelstufe Deutsch, Mittelstufe Deutsch (C1), C1 Oberstufe, Wirtschaftssprache Deutsch (C2),

k)   Hochschulrektorenkonferenz (HRK),

l)    Società Dante Alighieri - in particular certificates: PLIDA B2, PLIDA C1, PLIDA C2,

m)  Università degli Studi Roma Tre - in particular certificates: Int.It (B2), IT (C2),

n)   Università per Stranieri di Siena - in particular certificates: Certificazione d'Italiano come Lingua Straniera CILS Due B2, Certificazione d'Italiano come Lingua Straniera CILS Tre C1, Certificazione d'Italiano come Lin¬gua Straniera CILS Quattro C2,

o)   The Pushkin State Russian Language Institute,

p)   Institute for Romanian Language, the Romanian Ministry of Education, Research and Innovation,

q)   Univerzita Karlova v Praze,

r)    Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave; Filozofická fakulta Studia Academica Slovaca - centrum pre slovenčinu ako cudzí jazyk,

s)   Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave; Centrum d'alšieho vzdelávania; Ústav jazykovej a odbornej pripravy zahraničných študentov,

t)    The Warsaw University Council for the Certification of Language Proficiency;

3)   telc GmbH, WBT Weiterbildungs-Testsysteme GmbH - in particular certificates: B2 Certificate in English - advantage, B2 Certificate in English for Business Purposes - advantage, Certificate in English for Technical Purposes (B2), telc English B2, telc English B2 Business, telc English B2 Technical, telc English C1; Certificat Supérieur de Français (B2), telc Français B2; Zertifikat Deutsch Plus (B2), Zertifikat Deutsch für den Beruf (B2) (telc Deutsch B2 Beruf), telc Deutsch B2, telc Deutsch C1; Certificado de Español para Relaciones Profesionales (B2), telc Español B2; Certificato Superiore d'Italiano (B2), telc Italiano B2; telc Pyccкий язык B2.

3.   The Office of Chinese Language Council International: Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi (HSK) - level HSK (Advance).

4.   Japan Educational Exchanges and Services, The Japan Foundation: Japanese Language Proficiency Certificate - level 1 (Advance).

Rules for awarding points

1.    During the competition procedure, the candidate may obtain a maximum of 100 points, including:


Criteria evaluated

Number of points

Stage I



Assessment of Master's diploma

20 PTS (max.) according to the following criteria:

very good

20 PTS

good plus

15 PTS


10 PTS

satisfactory plus




a candidate who has completed studies abroad and does not have a grade on a diploma of studies receives 5 points


Preferences resulting from the subject area of Master's degree converging with the selected scientific discipline



Scientific achievements of the candidate:

20 PTS (max.), including:


A scientific article published in a scientific journal or in conference proceedings which is included in the current list drawn up in accordance with the provisions issued pursuant to Article 267(2)(2)(b) of the Act of 20 July 2018 – Law on Higher Education and Science 

10 PTS for each article in a journal indexed in the Scopus or Web of Science databases

7 PTS for each article of 100-PTS and more in a journal that is not indexed in the Scopus or Web of Science databases

5 PTS for each article of fewer than 100-PTS in a journal that is not indexed in the Scopus or Web of Science databases

2 PTS for each peer-reviewed article


Patent applications, granted patents, utility models, protection rights for trademarks, registration rights for industrial design 

15 PTS (max.)

5 PTS for each


A scientific monograph issued by a publishing house included in the current list drawn up in accordance with the provisions issued pursuant to Article 267(2)(2)(a) of the Act of 20 July 2018 – Law on Higher Education and Science, or a chapter in such a monograph

10 PTS for each monograph

5 PTS for each chapter in a monograph


2 PTS for each achievement in a publishing house not included in the list


Papers presented at scientific conferences or seminars

6 PTS (max.)

2 PTS international

1 PTS national or regional


Participation in competitive research projects

5 PTS (max.)


Participation in the organization of conferences

3 PTS (max.)

1 PTS for each


Participation in a student scientific circle

4 PTS (max.)

2 PTS for each


Foreign internships or stays at a foreign university of not less than 1 month



Participation in international exchange programs

4 PTS (max.)

2 PTS for each


Other achievements to be evaluated by the Committee

5 PTS (max.)

1 PTS for each achievement

Stage II



Knowledge of a foreign language on the basis of an exam (confirming the knowledge of one of the following languages: English, German or Russian) at least at the B2 level, or on the basis of a diploma assessment or on the basis of a certificate confirming knowledge of a

15 PTS (max.) according to the following criteria:

very good

15 PTS

good plus

10 PTS



satisfactory plus








40 PTS (max.), including:


determination of the research topic, purpose of research and research problems

0 – 10 PTS


determination of the envisaged research methodology and its explanation

0 – 10 PTS


knowledge of the scientific literature of a given discipline and correct use of specialist terminology

0 – 10 PTS


expected effects of the planned research

0 – 10 PTS