Personal data processing information

Candidate personal data processing information clause

Pursuant to Article 13 of the GDPR Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation), the University of Siedlce hereby informs as follows:

  1. Personal Data Controller
    The controller of your personal data is the University of Siedlce , with its seat in Siedlce, at ul. St. Konarskiego 2, 08-110 Siedlce.
    The Controller may be addressed by post: Uniwersytet w Siedlcach, ul. Konarskiego 2, 08-110 Siedlce, or by one of the folllowing forms available on the following site: of the organisational unit at which the correspondence is addressed);
  2. Data Protection Supervisor (DPS)
    The Data Controller has appointed the Data Protection Supervisor who supervises the correctness of data processing, who can be contacted by email: DPS may be contacted with respect to your personal data and your rights related to the processing of personal data by the University of Siedlce.
  3. Purpose and legal basis of personal data processing
    Your personal data will be processed for the purposes of the admission process and - if you are admitted - to handle the process of studying at the University of Siedlce.
    The legal basis of personal data processing is Article 6(1)(c) GDPR and the provisions of the of the Law on Higher Education and Science of 20 July 2018 (J. of Laws 2023 r., Item 742 as amended) together with its executive acts; in the case of processing on the basis of the consent, the basis of the processing is Article 6(1)(a) GDPR.
  4. Personal data processing period
    Your personal data submitted in relation to enrolment in the study programme will be processed over the admission period, and when it is closed - over the period of financial and accounting and archival records keeping, in accordance with the binding regulations. Following the time period provided for by the law, admissions are archived and candidates’ details are removed from the system. If you do not wish to loose access to your account, you may express your consent to its preservation for future admissions by clicking the relevant option at electronic registration. If you are admitted to the programme, your personal data will be stored in accordance with the course of study, to be then archived and stored for 50 years. If you are not admitted to the programme, your personal data will be stored for a period of 6 months from the end of admissions. Your data will be processed for the period required for claim determination, redress and defence, if applicable.
  5. Voluntary provision of data
    The provision of personal data is a statutory requirement and you are obliged to provide them. The said data is requisite for the admissions process. If you fail to provide your personal data, you will be unable to take part in the admissions process. The provision of personal data processed under the consent is voluntary. If you do not provide them, you will not participate in the admission process.
  6. Data recipients
    Authorised University staff, including admissions committee members, will have access to your personal data. 
    Other bodies authorised to receive your personal data under commonly binding regulations and entities providing services to the University subject to outsourcing data processing agreements may also receive your data; all the said entities shall keep the processed personal data confidential.
  7. Rights relating to personal data processing
    You have the right to access and rectify your personal data and limit their processing. You may withdraw your consent at any time, to the extent that the legal basis for the processing of personal data is your consent, which will have no effect on the concordance with the right to processing done before the withdrawal.
  8. The right to lodge a complaint with the President of the Office for the Protection of Personal Data
    You have the right to lodge a complaint with the President of the Office for the Protection of Personal Data when you consider that the processing of your personal data violates the provisions of the general regulation on the protection of personal data.
  9. Note about not taking decisions in an automated manner
    Decisions based solely on automated processing will not be made on the basis of your personal data and your personal data will not be profiled.
  10. Data Errors
    I acknowledge that the University of Siedlce shall not be liable if the data I have provided is incorrect.